Scott Collins Company provides professional commercial real estate appraisal and consulting services. The company is located in Knoxville, Tennessee. The firm's primary service area includes Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, and Alabama. The firm's appraisers have extensive experience in a wide variety of commercial property types, including retail, office, industrial, medical, hotel, apartment, and special use facilities.
Scott Collins Company has as current owners, partners, or affiliate appraisers, three individuals who hold the MAI designation of the Appraisal Institute. Some individuals may hold more than one Appraisal Institute designation.
The appraisal division of the company has been in continuous operation since it was founded in 1952 by the late H. Scott Collins, Jr., MAI (1931-2013).
Jerrod L. Gaertner, MAI
President/Principal Appraiser
Mr. Gaertner began working in the commercial real estate field in the mid-1990's. In addition to his experience as a commercial real estate appraiser, he previously worked as a commercial real estate loan officer for a regional bank and a project manager/senior analyst for a regional developer and consultant which specialized in healthcare, office, and public use facilities. He also worked for a large private conglomerate/office investor in Nashville, TN, and for an institutional brokerage house on the floor of the American Stock Exchange in Manhattan. He has lived in Texas, Oregon, North Carolina, Florida, Connecticut, and Tennessee. Mr. Gaertner graduated from Vanderbilt University with a Bachelor of Science degree with a double major in Engineering Sciences and Economics. He is a member of the Greater Tennessee Chapter of the Appraisal Institute. He is also a non-practicing associate member of the Knoxville CCIM Chapter.
Certified General Real Estate Appraiser - TN, NC, SC, and GA
Mr. Gaertner is the President of Scott Collins Company LLC.
Community Service & Leadership Experience:
-Former Nucleus Knoxville Member
-Former United Way of Knoxville Executive Committee Member
-Former Vanderbilt Alumni Association Chapter President for Knoxville
-Former East Tennessee Real Estate Awards Committee Member and Co-Chairman benefiting March of Dimes and East Tennessee Children's Hospital
-Former Knoxville News-Sentinel Real Estate Annual Awards Committee Member
-Former Knoxville Chapter of Trout Unlimited President
-Former Patrol Representative for Ober Gatlinburg Ski Patrol
Mari M. Carlson, MAI, AI-GRS
Since the mid-1990's, Ms. Carlson has been responsible for providing real estate valuation and consulting services in a wide range of commercial properties, including office, retail, medical and special purpose for lending institutions and individual clients. She is a licensed Certified General Real Property Appraiser in Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, Alabama and Virginia. Mari has earned the Appraisal Institute’s MAI and AI-GRS designations. She is also member of the Greater Tennessee Chapter of the Appraisal Institute; currently serving as President and previously serving as Treasurer and Finance Chair and participated in the Appraisal Institute’s 2015, 2016, and 2017 Leadership Development and Advisory Council (LDAC).
Certified General Real Estate Appraiser - TN, AL, KY, NC, and VA
Ms. Carlson is an independent contractor and is on the Board of Directors for Scott Collins Company, LLC
John R. Turner, MAI, SRA
Mr. Turner has over 50 years of experience providing real estate valuation and consulting services over a wide range of appraisal and consulting assignments, including hotel and multi-family residential developments, office, retail, medical, industrial, recreation, and special purpose properties. Clients include lending institutions, governmental agencies, corporate, attorney, and individual parties. Mr. Turner has earned the Appraisal Institute MAI and SRA, and the Appraisal Institute of Canada, AACI (retired) designations. He is a Certified General Appraiser and is currently licensed in Tennessee, Georgia, Virginia and Hawaii. He has been qualified as an expert appraiser witness in various courts in Tennessee, Hawaii, California and Nevada. He is a past president of the Honolulu Chapter of the Appraisal Institute and a current member of the Greater Tennessee Chapter of the Appraisal Institute and the Bearden International Rotary Club.
Certified General Real Estate Appraiser - TN, VA, GA, and HI
Mr. Turner is an independent contractor and is on the Board of Directors for Scott Collins Company, LLC.
Scott Collins Company
PO Box 11914, Knoxville, TN 37939
Courier Only:
4807 Newcom Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee 37919, United States
Copyright © 2022 Scott Collins Company - All Rights Reserved.